Unplug & Connect To Physical Activty

Why unplug and connect ot physical activity? 1 in 4 of Canadian kids is at risk for becoming obese. Research indicates  that when children increase their daily physical activity, they decrease their chances of developing many diseases such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

50% of Canadian children & youth (5-17), are not active enough for optimal growth and development, and 90% fail to meet the daily requirements of Canada’s Physical Activity Guide.

Children and adolescents should do 60 minutes (1 hour) or more of physical activity each day. Regular physical activity is an essential part of early childhood growth and development.

Unplug & Connect To Physical Activity Poster (PDF)

Unplug & Connect to Physical Activity Poster - Front
Unplug & Connect to Physical Activity Poster - Back

Benefits To Connecting To Physical Activity

  • Our bodies are designed to move. People who are active each day live healthier, happier, and longer lives.
  • Screen time can displace physical activity, reading, and face-to-face socializing. By turning off screens, children have more time for active play and other beneficial pursuits.
  • Besides enjoying the health benefits of regular exercise, kids who are physically fit sleep better and are better able to handle physical and emotional challenges.
  • Children who establish healthy lifestyle patterns at a young age will carry them - and their benefits - forward for the rest of their lives.

Screen Time Can Include:

  • Watching television
  • Being on a computer
  • Tablet or smart phone
  • Playing video games

Become A ‘Screen Smart’ Family

  • Balance ‘screen time’ with ‘real time’. Choose activities that encourage connecting with nature
  • Ideas to connect with physical activity:
    1. Make physical activity part of your family's daily routine by taking family walks to explore your neighbourhood or playing active games together.
    2. Take children to places where they can be active, such as public parks and community centres. Both structured and non-structured activities contribute to children’s overall health.
    3. Provide opportunities for children to acquire some basic skills like throwing, catching, jumping rope, hitting a ball, skating and dancing.

View the other posters in the series to help you Unplug & Connect:

For more tips and resources on how to be screen free visit our unplug and connect resources page.