Child Care Appreciation

Committees & Organizations Involved
Child Care Working Group (joint sub-committee of Tri-Cities ECD and Tri-Cities MCM)

Primarily the Ministry of Children and Family Development

YMCA Child Care Resource and Referral

In November of 2007, the newly formed Child Care Working group (CCWG) hosted a forum with local child care providers. At the forum, they were asked to identify gaps and challenges, as well as they were asked what would make them feel more appreciated in their roles. Not only did the forum provide the basis for the work plan for the CCWG, it also motivated them to plan the first Child Care Appreciation Event in 2008.

Events have been running annually and have been organized by the Child Care Working Group. These events offer an evening of socialization, fun, good food, and a 1 hour professional development opportunity. The local YMCA Child Care Resource and Referral has been a leader in organizing these events. The Child Care Working Group was reestablished in 2018 and key partners from the CCRR, ECD and MCM Committees are still committed to organizing this event, as long as there is funding available.

2018 Child Care Appreciation Event Invitation